Knowledge Base Software for Smart Self-Service

Build manuals around your products and services (articles & FAQs)
using Cloud or Self-Hosted PHP Knowledge Base Software
Organize Online Documentation Using Help Center
Knowledge Base Portal
With the help of UseResponse Knowledge Management System you can easily structure and organize the information in different ways using categories & sub-categories:
Brand your knowledge base with colors and templates.
Use either FAQs or articles with rich formatting.
Build several help centers for different products.
“UseResponse has been the selected product for our self service support. They have delivered with great quality and with agility. Their price is very competitive compared to other knowledge management software vendors, especially when it comes to self hosted php solutions.”
Geo Lubaton
Business Intelligence Operations Manager, P&G
Scale Your Customer Support
Product Roadmap
Use our rich editor to build manuals with ability to add inline images, video tutorials and tables in various languages to improve customer self-service 24/7 even when you are away.
Analyze & improve content based on views, customers satisfaction rating (CSAT) and search insights.
Never worry about losing content with Autosave & Drafts options.
Update your articles with latest changes using Version Control.
Prevent agents collision with auto-lock article feature.
Customers Can Get Help Anywhere
Knowledge Base Widget
With the help of the embeddable widgets, you can add knowledge base articles to any page of your website or application without spending any extra costs on development.
You get not just knowledge base widget, but also contact form for customers to submit requests.
Provide instant answers from your help center by setting up chatbots in live chat widget.
Think Global - Act Global
Create knowledge base for multiple brands, languages and products within one system using UseResponse multiforum feature: distribute permissions and customize branding for each of the product.

UseResponse Knowledge Base Software Can Also Be Used As...

Internal Education System

Internal Education System

Keep your private knowledge base for team training or new staff onboarding

Onboarding Assistant

Onboarding Assistant

Inbuild referring articles to the specific pages to access the relevant information in a few clicks

API documentation management

API Documentation

Add manuals for the development teams that can be used for both APIs or complex integrations

Ready to try our Knowledge Management Platform?

Out‑of‑the‑box knowledge management experience for customers and teams. Start a free 14-day trial.
UseResponse Knowledge Base Software FAQs

How customizable is the Knowledge Base interface?

Our Knowledge Base Software offers extensive customization options to ensure the platform reflects your brand's identity and meets your specific needs.

Can the Knowledge Base Software support multiple languages?

Yes, it's designed to cater to a global audience with multi-language support, enabling you to serve customers in their preferred language.

Can UseResponse Knowledge Base be deployed on-premise for enterprise clients?

Yes, our Knowledge Base Software offers both cloud and on-premise deployment options to meet the specific infrastructure requirements of enterprise clients.

How does UseResponse Knowledge Base support large-scale user bases typical of enterprise organizations?

Our platform is designed to scale seamlessly, accommodating the extensive user bases and high traffic volumes characteristic of large enterprises, without compromising performance.

Can the Knowledge Base software be used to create internal company wikis?

UseResponse Knowledge Base Management System serve as a robust platform for internal company wikis, enabling teams to collaboratively create, share, and maintain critical knowledge and best practices within the organization. For more details, please refer to the official UseResponse documentation.

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Knowledge Base Software

Elevate Your Information Management

Transform the way you store, share, and manage knowledge with UseResponse's Knowledge Base Software. Crafted for businesses seeking to empower both customers and teams with accessible, well-organized information, our solution blends seamless integration with unmatched customization. Step into a world where every piece of knowledge enhances user experience and drives efficiency.

Empowering Self-Service with Advanced Knowledge Base Management System

Enhanced Customer Self-Service

Equip your customers with a powerful self-service portal, filled with easily accessible information, guides, and FAQs, reducing the need for direct support and significantly enhancing user satisfaction.

Streamlined Customer Onboarding Process

Accelerate the onboarding of new customers and employees with structured and comprehensive knowledge bases, ensuring quick adaptation and enhanced productivity right from the start.

Centralized Knowledge Repository

Create a single source of truth for all your organizational knowledge, ensuring consistent and accurate information delivery across all customer and employee touchpoints.

Reduced Support Burden

By empowering users & customers to find answers themselves, significantly decrease the overall volume of incoming support requests, allowing your team to focus on more complex issues.

Global Reach and Accessibility

Cater to a global audience with multi-language support and customization options, ensuring your knowledge base serves users across different regions and languages effectively.

Empower Knowledge Sharing with Advanced Features

Seamless Content Creation & Management

Use our rich editor to construct detailed manuals, articles, and FAQs. Incorporate multimedia elements like images and videos to enhance tutorials. Autosave and Draft options ensure your work is never lost, while Version Control keeps your content current.

Customizable Branded Knowledge Centers

Tailor your knowledge base with customizable templates and branding options. Organize content with ease using categories and sub-categories, ensuring users find the information they need swiftly.

Embedded Knowledge Widgets

Enhance your website or application with embeddable knowledge widgets, providing instant access to articles and FAQs. Include contact forms and chatbots to offer comprehensive support without extra development costs.

Multilingual & Multibrand Support

Break language barriers and support multiple brands with a single system. Distribute permissions and customize branding for each product, making global support effortless.

Onboarding Assistant

Streamline customer onboarding with guided articles and quick-access links. Facilitate a smooth introduction to your products or services, enhancing user comprehension and engagement from the start.

Internal Knowledge Base

Empower your teams with a private knowledge base tailored for internal training and staff onboarding. Ensure consistent knowledge transfer and maintain a central repository of organizational wisdom.

Analytics & Content Optimization

Drive continuous improvement with analytics that track content views, customer satisfaction ratings, and search insights. Use data to refine and expand your knowledge base, ensuring it meets user needs effectively.

Collaboration & Article Control

Foster teamwork with features designed to prevent editing conflicts. The auto-lock article feature ensures that only one agent can edit content at a time, maintaining content integrity and collaboration harmony.

Tailored Online Knowledge Base Solutions for Every Team

Customer Success Teams

Equip your Customer Success Teams with a comprehensive knowledge base to proactively address customer queries, enhancing satisfaction and retention.

Customer Support Teams

Empower your support teams with instant access to a vast knowledge base, reducing resolution times and improving customer service efficiency.

Human Resources Teams

Support your HR teams with an internal knowledge base for streamlined onboarding, training, and employee self-service, fostering a well-informed workforce.

Empower Your Knowledge Management with UseResponse

Elevate your self-service and internal knowledge sharing with UseResponse's Knowledge Base Software. Leverage a platform designed for intuitive information organization, facilitating both customer self-help and internal team education. Begin your journey towards a more informed user base and a more efficient team today.

Start Building Your Knowledge Base

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