Beter, Slimmer, Persoonlijke Helpdesksoftware

Of je nou een klein bedrijf of een onderneming bent, je kunt tot 700esparen op supportkosten met helpdesksoftware op locatie

Omnichannel Supportdesk

Eén Inbox

Bied klantensupport met verzoeken uit ieder kanaal en handel het in één inbox af

help desk backend interface
Helpcentrum voor Zelfservice

Je helpcentrum is klaar voor de beste gebruikerservaring om support in het helpdesksysteem te ordenen

help center

Gebruik kanban-bord en beheer alle inkomende aanvragen in het ticketingsysteem

help desk kanban board
Personaliseer je Workflow
Ontvang realtime updates van je inbox
Maak je eigen wachtrijen aan op basis van voorwaarden
Maak gebruik van chat- of tabelweergave met bulkacties
Agenten krijgen alleen hun rapporten en tickets te zien
Ingesloten op iedere webpagina van een website of service
Send targeted messages based on user's behavior
Probleemloze gebruikersauthenticatie direct vanuit de widget
Integreert naadloos met je CRM
Mobiele gebruikersinterface werkt op ieder apparaat
Loop je klanten niet mis met mobiele pushmeldingen
Integreert met iOS- of Android-apps met behulp van SDK & Restful API
Begin nu
Onze AI wijst alleen beschikbare agenten toe op basis van SLA, openingstijden en teambeschikbaarheid

UseResponse Helpdesk kan meer dan alleen support

help desk sales automation


Loop je lead niet meer mis met proactieve berichten op basis van gebruikersgedrag

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task management


Maak een checklist aan in het ticketingsysteem om het verzoek in kleinere taken op te delen

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issue tracking


Gebruik tickets als bugtrackingsysteem met aangepaste statussen, velden in je eigen workflow

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Real-Time Analytics

Uitgebreide analyse zorgt ervoor dat het mogelijk is om belangrijke statistieken te beheren en je teamprestaties te verbeteren in het php-ticketsysteem:

Reactietijd, oplossingstijd
KTS (Klanttevredenheidscore)
Inzichten van Zoekopdrachten & Klikken
Nog 10 andere statistieken om te tracken
help desk analytics

Helpdesksoftware voor grote teams op locatie


Maak verschillende profielen aan om openingstijden voor verschillende teams te kunnen beheren

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Alle xupportagenten ontvangen pushmeldingen bij binnenkomende aanvragen


Mis geen enkel verzoek, zelfs niet als je veel werk te doen hebt

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Interne opmerkingen

Bespreek verzoeken intern met de mogelijkheid om herinneringen in te kunnen stellen

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Zichtbaarheid van tickets

Agenten zien alleen vereiste aanvragen op basis van ticketgroep

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Enkel Inloggen

Maak gebruik van je eigen authenticatie en gebruikersbestand (SAML, LDAP, enz.)

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Voorwaardelijke Velden

Breid het contactformulier uit met velden voor extra voorwaarden

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Meerdere Hulpcentra

Eén backend om klanten te ondersteunen bij verschillende producten of talen

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Restful API

Bouw iedere integratie met onze API of kant-en-klare integraties

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Volg geregistreerde agententijd versus geschatte tijd voor ieder verzoek om de efficiëntie van agenten te kunnen meten

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“We hebben gezocht naar een helpdesk-oplossing, maar we wilden graag dat de applicatie op locatie zou zijn. Useresponse was toen onze briljante oplossing! Goed ontwerp, schaalbaar, perfect! Heel erg bedankt!”
Jens Havelberg
Teamleader Development en IT, VFM-Gruppe
UseResponse Help Desk Software FAQs

Can UseResponse Help Desk handle the complex needs of large enterprise environments?

UseResponse Help Desk Tool is equipped to meet the intricate requirements of small business, mid-sized and enterprise environments, offering scalable solutions and advanced features that can be customized for any business size or complexity.

What automation features are available to improve efficiency?

UseResponse Enterprise Help Desk includes a range of automation options to streamline ticket handling and response processes.

What security features does UseResponse Help Desk offer for enterprise clients?

We prioritize security for our enterprise clients with features like advanced encryption, two-factor authentication, and compliance with industry standards, ensuring your data\s integrity and confidentiality.

Is there support for managing tickets across different channels?

Yes, the software provides omnichannel support, consolidating tickets from various sources into a single interface.

How does UseResponse Help Desk software accommodate the global operations of enterprise businesses?

Our Help Desk software supports multiple languages and time zones, making it an ideal solution for enterprises operating on a global scale, ensuring consistent support across all regions.

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Help Desk Software

Streamline Customer Support with UseResponse

Revolutionize your support desk with UseResponse's comprehensive Help Desk Software. Designed for teams seeking efficiency and adaptability, our platform offers significant savings and extensive customization without hidden costs. With seamless integrations and a user-friendly interface, elevate your support services to new heights.

Maximizing Efficiency and Engagement with UseResponse Help Desk Automation

Cost Efficiency and Transparency

Experience unparalleled cost savings with a clear, upfront pricing model. Unlike other platforms, UseResponse Help Desk offers a comprehensive set of features without hidden charges for add-ons, ensuring you get the most value for your investment.

Customization and Branding

With UseResponse Help Desk, every aspect of your support platform can be tailored to match your brand identity. From the user interface to ticketing workflows, personalize your support experience to align with your organizational needs and branding.

Enhanced Team Productivity

Boost your support team's efficiency with smart automation, task management, and intuitive interfaces. UseResponse Help Desk is designed to streamline operations, allowing your team to focus on delivering exceptional customer support.

Seamless Integration Ecosystem

Integrate effortlessly with your existing CRM and other business tools. UseResponse Help Desk acts as a central hub, enhancing your support system's connectivity and data flow, making every customer interaction more informed and effective.

Comprehensive Support Analytics

Make data-driven decisions with advanced analytics and real-time insights. Monitor key performance metrics to continually refine your support strategy, ensuring your team meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Enhance Your Support Experience with UseResponse's AI Help Desk Software

Seamless OmniChannel Integration

Unify all customer communication channels with Seamless OmniChannel Integration, providing a consistent and efficient support experience. This integration ensures that customer inquiries, whether from email, chat, social media, or any other platform, are merged into one comprehensive dashboard, enhancing service quality and response efficiency.

Dynamic Self-Service Hub

Transform user experience with our Dynamic Self-Service Hub, a comprehensive resource center enabling users to quickly find answers and solutions. This feature reduces dependency on direct support, empowering users with immediate access to information, guides, and FAQs, enhancing their ability to resolve issues independently and efficiently.

Intelligent Ticket Routing

Revolutionize ticket management with Intelligent Ticket Routing. By automatically directing inquiries to the most suitable agents based on their expertise and workload, this feature streamlines the resolution process, significantly improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Issue Resolution & Task Management

Elevate issue resolution with a unified system that not only allows for comprehensive management of tickets but also breaks down complex issues into manageable tasks. This dual approach ensures each ticket is addressed in a structured and traceable manner while enabling detailed task assignments for focused resolution, enhancing clarity and efficiency across your support team's operations.

Advanced Performance Analytics

Harness the power of data with Advanced Performance Analytics. Monitor crucial metrics like resolution times and customer satisfaction scores to continually optimize your support strategy, ensuring your team's performance is aligned with your service goals.

Empowering Enterpise Help Desk Departments, Elevating Service

Customer Success Teams

Empower your team with tools that enhance customer relationships and satisfaction. Our Help Desk Software offers deep insights and efficient management features to ensure customer loyalty and success.

Customer Support Teams

Boost your support team's capabilities with advanced tracking and management tools. Our software simplifies issue resolution, allowing your team to provide top-notch service.

Technology Teams

Leverage a platform that complements your tech infrastructure. Our Help Desk Software offers scalability, advanced security, and seamless integration, driving efficiency and innovation.

Elevate Your Support System with UseResponse

Unlock the potential of streamlined customer support with UseResponse's Help Desk Software. Experience a platform that consolidates support channels, enhances team productivity, and offers deep insights into your support operations. Start transforming your customer support journey today.

Enhance Your Support Experience

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