Top 5 Enterprise Feedback Management Software

Published:   Last Updated: May 20, 2022

To be customer-centric, enterprise companies should be able to globally quantify the incoming feedback and work on improvement areas based on internal and external feedback insights. The question is how to gather those insights, without dropping anything across various platforms and manage feedback at scale. Incorporation of Enterprise Feedback Management Software (EFM) is the key.

Companies are using Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) Tools to transform feedback into actionable data, present it to the right people, and respond to continuously evolving customer needs and desires.

Enterprise Feedback Management Software Explained

Enterprise Feedback Management System is supposed to help organizations receive incoming customer feedback and transform it into qualitative and quantitive data and distribute it throughout the company, manage feedback collection and management processes.

Enterprise Feedback Management System (EFM) is a tool for collecting, managing, analyzing, and distributing customer feedback within the enterprise teams.

The key objective of Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) Systems is to facilitate and enable transparent and effective communications to identify the areas of improvement and ensure these are taken into account so that action can be taken. Another great advantage of EFM is that it can be a valuable source of ideas for improvement and product development decisions.

Benefits of EFM Software

Enterprise feedback management definition gives only a slight understanding of possible benefits EFM can offer for those who realize the need to streamline their user-team communications and get the most of the feedback they obtain.

1. High-Volume Feedback Control 

The larger the enterprise, the larger the volume of feedback it receives and the less manageable it becomes. The incorporation of a feedback management system will show the data you might have failed to notice before and will make it usable for future discussions and implementation. EFM should help enterprises collect feedback coming from various sources and enable segmentation by products, locations, categories, etc. Prioritization of feedback is another important point. You need to understand customer requirements but also the priority of the feedback or feature requests.

2. Internal Employee Feedback Management

Enterprise Feedback Management Software is not only about gathering customer feedback in one place. It can also act as online ground for round-table discussions and ideation within the teams and stakeholders. EFM software provides the opportunity for your teams to enable discussions, innovation, and decision-making processes.

3. Customer-Centric Vision 

One of the main reasons why companies embrace EFM is to see the real picture and bridge the gap between product development and the customers. Enterprise feedback management systems let realize the objective product challenges, product faults, and feature imperfections that are essential to keep the business afloat and empower constant improvement.

4. Improved Team Performance

If all the user feedback data is collected centrally and distributed to the appropriate specialists, there won’t be any risk of effort duplication, which is especially tangible in large-sized organizations. Wise time and effort consumption is the key to quicker goal attainment and overall positive performance.

6. Continuous Feedback Loop Management

Listening to customers is not enough, customers need to see that they are not just listened to but also heard. Implementation of some requests is the best way to show that you care, but having a quick channel through which you can directly connect to users and detail their requests or complaint is indispensable. Keeping customers updated is just as important as providing them an easy opportunity to give feedback in the first place – it’s about closing the customer feedback loop.

Top 5 Enterprise Feedback Management Software

To collect customer feedback, you’ll want to make the most of all the communication channels that could be used by your customers (Live Chat, Facebook, review platforms, etc.) That feedback should then be collated and interpreted. Finally, you should process that feedback to shape your priorities and decisions. We’ve compiled a list of Top 5 Enterprise Feedback Management Software that we consider is definitely worth your attention and trust.

  1. UseResponse
  2. UserVoice
  3. Mopinion
  4. Qualtrics
  5. Clarabridge

1. UseResponse

UseResponse is a highly customizable Enterprise Feedback Management Software that works as a Feedback Community Portal and can be incorporated into the ecosystem of the customer support suite. Easy-to-use portals can be organized for internal closed ideation and innovation processes, and also be a source of public feedback management hub allowing users to vote and discuss the feedback of others.

UseResponse collects feedback from the community portal, feedback widget, app reviews, API, and can be integrated with Jira, Hubspot, and other tools. Users can access this enterprise feedback management software from a company-wide login using SSO. For data-conscious companies with strict data storage and security policies, there is an option to host the software On-Premise.

Pricing: $149/month per 2 Agents, price is based on number of Agents. Free trial available


2. UserVoice

UserVoice is community feedback software targeted mostly at the enterprise segment. It helps enterprise companies create a simple and easily navigable space for gathering, processing, and managing customer feedback in product development. UserVoice collects feedback from the original product feedback portal, in-app feedback widget, API, and also from Slack, Zendesk, and other tools. Its overall focus lies in product management, providing users with the feedback they need to prioritize their product roadmap. 

Pricing: $500+/month, additional costs for SSO, custom domain, etc.


3. Mopinion

Mopinion ensures enterprise companies have their customer feedback data collected and analyzed in the most efficient way. It helps to gather all kinds of web, app, and email-based feedback, placing it under a single roof to make the customers’ voices heard. 

Users can build, design, and configure feedback forms (including various CX metrics such as NPS, CES, and CSAT), and trigger them based on rules such as mouse movement, time on page, exit intent, and much more. Feedback can be visualized in customizable dashboards and charts for advanced analyses as well as text analysis and smart labeling capabilities. 

Pricing: 500€+/month


4. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is EFM solution for corporations that want to engage the whole company in the EFM system. It allows feedback collection capabilities such as SMS, voice, email, social, web, app, and more to empower users to capture customer, product, brand & employee experience insights in one place. With Qualtrics, you can collaborate with your team for survey creation, customize it to give it the look and feel of your brand. Also, you can leverage transaction-triggered surveys, segment user accounts, and receive insightful analytical reports.

Through powerful machine learning and advanced analytics, you’ll get predictive insights, tailored for specific roles and departments. Qualtrics also provides action planning tools, a closed-loop ticketing system, and integrations with such tools as Salesforce, Marketo, and JIRA.

Pricing: Contact to get a quote


5. Clarabridge

Clarabridge is enterprise feedback management (EFM) software that helps companies to better understand and improve the customer journey. By ingesting data from sources such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SMS, Email, WeChat, forums, blogs, and messaging apps like WhatsApp, Engage analyzes conversations using Clarabridge’s text analytics engine.  Data is presented via dashboards, reports, and alerts. Whether it’s calls, emails, chats, surveys, social interactions, ratings, and reviews, or forums, Clarabridge connects to hundreds of sources and collects all of the customer feedback in one place. Clarabridge uses AI-powered semantic analysis strategies to identify different kinds of customer intents (such as requests, praise, churn, and others) in customer feedback.

Pricing: Contact to get a quote


So, How To Choose the Best EFM For Your Company?

There is no best tool, nor there is the best “way”. What works in one company isn’t a factor in another. But when we talk about managing feedback for enterprise companies, we have a certain level of general expectations:

  • ability to manage feedback at scale
  • customization and scalability
  • analytics and reportig tools
  • high security standards
  • effective teamwork and information sharing
  • integrations with third-party tools
  • high level of support

Best enterprise feedback tool needs the flexibility to categorize and measure different kinds of feedback, present different data to separate audiences, and have the ability to change and scale. Built for enterprises and large companies and organizations, these tools usually allow management of different roles and permission levels so that once the feedback is transformed into actionable insights, it can be distributed appropriately throughout the departments and teams, multiple business locations, or lines of products.

Finally, EFM should help companies to solicit and manage feedback and data from their customers in a centralized location to shape priorities and decisions, and most importantly it should help to improve customer loyalty and reduce customer churn.

Ready to See UseResponse Feedback in Action?

UseResponse is one of the most efficient software solutions used by world-known enterprises for bridging the product-user gap and organizing platforms for internal discussions by providing means for direct feedback management and efficient product development, customer self-service and internal team ideation processes within enterprise companies.

See all the features in action by booking online demo or create free 14-day trial

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Anna Kuzma

Anna Kuzma is Marketing Manager at UseResponse, company specialized in the development of Customer Support and Feedback software. Writes about customer experience and satisfaction, Help Desk and Feedback Software.

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